Cheryl Kiser
Gilbert Funeral Home and Crematory
Obituaries | The Tube City Almanac | December 28, 2020

In a glorious celebration, Cheryl Primich Kiser was welcomed home to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She departed this earth on Saturday December 26, 2020 and exchanged her worn-out earthly body for a brand new one in heaven. Her feet once numb and without feeling, are now dancing in worship. Her voice once shaking and frail now sings in worship to the Lord. Her tongue once praising Jesus now praises him directly and continuously with renewed joy. She was welcomed into heaven as a good and faithful servant. We know these things because Cheryl professed her salvation in Jesus Christ to everyone she met. She not only professed her faith, she lived it out.
She was the prayer warrior of the family and equally one for her friends. That was her passion. She lived it. Born August 23, 1945 to John Carl and Carol Caley Primich. She leaves behind 3 living children- Alana (Dan) Dishong, Jodi (Joe) Spenillo and John Gabriel Augustin, one dearly departed daughter Kerry Ellen Kiser, 9 grandchildren- Timothy (Anita) Yount, Jocelyn (Zachary) Lahr, Cody (Lacey) Spenillo, Katie Redenbaugh, Kyle Spenillo, Nicholas Redenbaugh, Skyler Spenillo, Chandler Redenbaugh and Christian Spenillo. She had preceded in death by her beloved daughter Kerry, her parents, along with many other family and friends. She had numerous friends and some lifelong friends including Donnie and Jackie along with many, many more. There is no visitation. Private internment will take place at Jefferson Memorial Park, Pleasant Hills. Arrangements are by the Gilbert Funeral Home and Crematory, Inc., 6028 Smithfield Street, Boston, Elizabeth Township.(412) 751-5000 Drew J. Gilbert, Director. Condolences may be made at
Originally published December 28, 2020.
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